Friday, 8 August 2008

Red tape anyone?

The 'I need help with' feature recently installed on If we can, you can has generated some fantastic responses from the community. People who have been through certain experiences have been more than happy to pass on their nuggets to someone struggling with the same thing. Take for example Sue Harris, who very kindly offered her advice to Magdalena Fowler after admitting she struggles with doing accounts and business finance by herself. We'd like to share this with anyone who finds it tough breaking through red tape!

"The best piece of advice I can give you is to go along to your local HMRC office and ask them for information on workshops that they run, free of charge, which gives you a lot more insight into what you can and cannot do when it comes to filing returns, paying employees, being self employed and lots more. I did all of the available workshops prior to starting up and found them invaluable."

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