Friday, 14 August 2009

Sarah's Franchises are on a Roll

Twelve months ago If we can, you can member Sarah Pittendrigh was staring down the barrel of bankruptcy. As Sales Director of one of the biggest event companies in the UK, her business had been hit by the impact of the economic downturn and she and her fellow directors were forced to close it down.

“It was a very frightening time,” says Sarah. “What worried me most was my son’s wellbeing. At that time I was a single mother and I wasn’t sure how on earth we would survive financially.

“It was a choice of either climbing back up the corporate ladder, or coming up with something new – something which would make me feel as though I’d achieved something and fulfilled in my work.

“During my time with the events company, people were always asking us whether we could supply chair covers. We had to say we didn’t do that – to do it well it would need to be something we specialized in.

“That’s where I saw my opportunity. I saw the potential to deliver an in-demand product but to a higher standard, with real quality and creativity imbedded.

“I was sitting by the Quayside in Newcastle when it suddenly hit me like a thunderbolt. I thought, “I’m going to give this a go. I’m going to have my own business.

“I wanted to get the core business in the North East right. I wanted to take my time, grow the business slowly, and ensure that we’re constantly over-delivering. Then I want to be able to franchise across the UK.”

Cut to a year later:

“Simply Bows and Chair Covers has grown dramatically, and it’s all been through word of mouth which is great. We’re now supplying to many top quality venues including Wynyard Hall, Close House, and Durham Marriott. We’ve been averaging about five weddings a weekend, so it’s been absolutely fabulous.

“I’ve now sold two franchises to cover Sunderland down to the North Yorkshire border, and another to cover Newcastle upon Tyne right up to the Scottish border. What’s amazing is that we’ve never advertised the franchise opportunities - all the buzz for that has come through word of mouth too.

“People have seen what we’ve done, liked the service we provide and have become interested in the business. I employed a franchise company in Darlington (for which I got funding through from Business Link) who work for me as a consultant, pulling it all together, and handling all the legalities.

“We’re now going to start to market and advertise the franchise across the UK, and even perhaps on an international level. I’m going to Spain in August, on holiday, but I’m also going to see somebody who might be able to point me in the right direction to take the franchise out there, and find someone to take over a master franchise in Spain.

“I’ve also had a lot of hits off my website from the likes of Monaco, Italy and Spain, so I’ve realized that a lot of opportunity exists over there. So… exciting plans for the future.
“However, the North East is still my main priority. All our chair covers are manufactured in the North East, and all the laundry is done here, so it’s great that I can give something back to this fantastic region.

“I’m very passionate about the North East. I love the great people, and I think it’s important to give something back. The support I’ve received from Business Link has really helped me get off the ground and grow the business.

“Even when all the franchisees come on board around the UK, everything will still get manufactured here. I’ll also start to employ more people. At the moment I’ve got four part-time staff, but ultimately I’ll need to get people on board full-time to help with the franchising side of the business.

“I must say though that despite the success of the business, I’m very skeptical now! As with most entrepreneurs who’ve lost a business and started again, you’ve always got the fear in the back of your mind of it going wrong again. So you develop a need to ensure that you never be complacent. This is a good thing as it’s an excellent lesson to learn in business and the energy keeps you on your toes.

“We’ve now got 136 weddings on the books all for this year, and I’ve also got a photo shoot for a wedding magazine called ‘Hitched’. They’ve asked myself and a florist whom I work closely with, to take part in a shoot at Close House. The theme is ‘How to dress a venue’.
“Looking ahead, so far we’ve got over 30 weddings on our books for next year- and that’s just in my area not that of my franchisees!

“We also have a lot of charity work coming up. We’ve already done the Children’s North East Pink Ball at Gateshead Marriott, and the Buttercup Ball for the Special Needs Network in Gosforth.

"We are scheduled to dress the Bubble Ball at Gosforth Marriott in September and the Sunshine Ball for the Newcastle Chronicle’s Sunshine Fund.

“Really when you think that this time last year I had nothing – no money and I had just closed my company. The success of Simply Bows and Chair Covers continues to amaze and delight me.

“What a difference a year makes?!”

To check out Sarah’s Bow and Chair cover services log onto:

To read more about her story so far, check out her profile on If We Can You Can:

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