Wednesday 26 January 2011

Free event aims to give Newcastle residents their Eureka moment

A NEW initiative has been set up to encourage unemployed people and those facing the threat of redundancy to set up their own business in Newcastle.

Funded by Newcastle City Council and European Regional Development Fund 2007-13, RTC North has developed Eureka in partnership with Enterprise Made Simple.

The series of free workshops, spread over five days, will be open to anyone with an eligible Newcastle post code with the aim of dispelling the fears and reservations that many people have over going it alone.

The course will show people, who may have no business acumen or qualifications, that anyone can make a success of being self-employed with perseverance, the right guidance and the knowledge needed to overcome certain barriers.

It will also highlight the many opportunities for new businesses that have arisen in the aftermath of the recession and its ongoing fallout.

Barrie Mullen from RTC North said: “We speak to lots of people who say they are not clever enough to start a business and we wanted to try and remove some of those barriers.

“People have lots of skills, some of which could be used to start a business and earn them a wage. We appreciate that if you haven't started a business before it can seem very daunting so Eureka is designed to look at the key aspects of running a business.

“We hope that during the week people will have that Eureka moment when they think that yes, self employment is for me.”

The course runs between 14th and 18th February and again from 7th to 11th March, across five different venues including St James Park, Hoults Yard and the Royal Station Hotel.

There are 20 places on each course and the deadline for entries is Wednesday 2 February for the February event and 9th March for the following month’s course.

The workshops will be practical and easy to follow, with fun activities to help increase motivation and self-confidence.

John Musham, head of economic development at Newcastle Council, said: “This is an exciting opportunity for people in Newcastle to gain those essential skills to help them start a business!”

For more information or to book a place on the course please go to:

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