Friday 28 January 2011

Young Entrepreneurs Trust: Under 35’s in Business Programme

We’re pleased to support this new venture, pioneered by entrepreneur Will Ryles.

When young people start out in business they don’t have years of experience to back them up. Usually the urge to go it alone is because they feel they have the raw talent to be better than the competition in their particular field, but from experience we know most are not experts in all the other areas needed to make a business tick.

The experience of starting a business is daunting no matter what the age, but we recognise that young entrepreneurs have a different set of social issues to the norm. Often young entrepreneurs can still be growing up, with friends that often do not understand the stresses and strains of running your own business. It can be both the most exciting and socially stressful moments of their lives.

The under 35’s in Business programme is designed not only to bring young entrepreneurs together socially, but also to provide them with the support needed to run a business by providing social and business mentors along with training to help them set up on their own.


1st Monday of every month at the Spice Cube, The Gate, Newcastle

For: Entrepreneurs under 35, and special guests over 35


6-6.30pm Arrive + Network

6.30-6.40pm Speech

6.40pm-7.30pm Meal

7.30pm-8pm Q+A session

8pm After meal drinks


We specifically aim to provide mentors under the age of 35 that have gone through similar experiences or situation to those you are currently experiencing. They will be able to provide you with an insight into how they approached certain business issues, but also be able to relate to the personal issues you may face when running a business.


We aim to run courses aimed at teaching young entrepreneurs how to be self employed. As a business owner you will be expected to tackle many angles of business, finance, marketing, pr etc, we aim to make sure young entrepreneurs have access to relevant training and experience to ensure they make a success of their chosen venture.

For more details and to book the first event on the 7th February, please visit

For any more information please contact Will at

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